Do Millets Really Help Controlling Diabetes..?

7 Common Questions Why One Should Try LITTLE MILLETS

What is Little Millet?
Millets have been quite an underrated grain, but not many know that these grains are nutritious, gluten-free, non-sticky and non-acid-forming. Experts suggest making this grain a part of the daily diet consumption.

What is it also called in different parts of India?
Scientifically known as Panicum Sumatrense, Little Millets is also called as Kutki in Hindi, the Sava in Marathi, Gajro in Gujrati, Same in Kannada, Samai in Tamil, and Samalu in Telugu.

Which age group should consume it?
People of all age groups can consume Little Millets.

How does it taste?

Packed with Nutrition, Millets usually taste just like Rice.

How should millets be consumed?
Millets can be accompanied by any recipe that demands staple rice for it to be eaten with. In fact, millets generally take lesser time to cook as compared to rice because of the small grain size.

Where are they available? sources millets directly from the farmers and eliminate middlemen so that the FARMERS enjoy the benefits of the retail price.

What is Organic Farming?
Agriculture had been in practice for thousands of years without the use of artificial chemicals. Natural fertilizers like compost manure, green manure, and bone meal have been in use along with the emphasis on techniques such as crop rotation and companion planting. Organic standards are defined as the allowance and use of naturally occurring substances for all agricultural activities while prohibiting or strictly limiting the use of synthetic substances.
Example – Naturally occurring pesticides – Pyrethrin and Rotenone are permitted to grow crops whereas Synthetic Fertilizers and pesticides are prohibited. encourages farmers who practice Organic Farming methodology to ensure their customers are given the best quality products from India

Does it really help controlling diabetes?
Embraced and packed with goodness, millets have low carbohydrate content, slow digestion, and have low water-soluble gum content which all attribute to improve the glucose metabolism in the body. These grains slowly release sugar in the blood which in turn slows down the glucose absorption.

The dietary fibre and resistant starch present in minor millets exhibit hypoglycaemic and hypolipidemic effects.

Few traditional recipes that are prepared using little millets are – Samai Dosa, Porridge, Paddu, and Payasam.


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